Local well-posedness of the free-surface incompressible elastodynamics
张映辉, 博士, 湖南理工学院雷火亚洲电竞第一品牌副教授
We are concerned with the free boundary problem of
three-dimenional incompressible neo-Hookean elastodynamics in
physical vacuum, which describes the motion of neo-Hookean elastic
waves in an incompressible material. Up to now, only local-in-time
a priori estimates for the solutions of the problem has been
established by [Hao-Wang, JDE, 2016] through a geometrical viewpoint. In
this paper, we prove the local well-posedness of the problem in
spirit of the arguments developed recently by [Gu-Wang, 2016, Preprint].
Our method is based on the use of Alinhac good unknowns, the
suitable approximations both nonlinear and linear, and delicate
energy estimates.